I write this article about list of browsers have near about 1000 word in total. Included all the information related to internet browsers like browsers layout engine, list of top 50 web browsers from present to past, blah blah. In this web browsers list we have included internet browsers for windows 7, 8 and xp, web browsers for mac, blah blah.
List of Browsers from History to Present (Top Browsers)
We listed near about 50 web browsers in list of browsers from starting of internet browsers till the date. Few not so popular internet browsers doesn’t in the list of browsers because they all may not that much important to be in list. All below browsers sorted according to order of newest to oldest in list of web browsers.
- Google Chrome – Google Chrome created by Google Inc. from its Chromium project. This is in top list of browsers because it best web browser till the date for its simplicity, customization & performance for loading content.
- Safari – It is developed by Apple Inc. which is preinstalled on all Apple products like MacBook, iPhones etc.
- Mozilla Firefox – Firefox developed by Mozilla Foundation, its a open source internet browser software.Available for all platforms.
- Internet Explorer – Still it is most used according to others but it has no comparison with Chrome, Safari & Firefox. It comes as preinstalled on all windows operating system.
- Opera – Opera browser software developed by Opera Software ASA. It has mobile supported opera browser called Opera Mini. Opera Mini is best web browser among all browsers for non smartphone device (Java Platform).
- Maxthon – Maxthon is freeware web browser developed by Maxthon Ltd. It supports Windows Phone, iOS, Android also.
- SeaMonkey – Its not only a web browser but also has advanced email, newsgroup, feed client, IRC chat, html editing etc like features. SeaMonkey is a part of Mozilla Foundation.
- Xombrero – Xombrero is also known as xxxterm, its a open source web browser. Xombrero based on GTK+3 & developed for goal against Firefox.
- K-Meleon – K-Meleon is a open source software, based on Mozilla rendering engine. It is fast and customizable browser.
- surf – Its a simple internet browser based on layout engine WebKit/GTK+ and it supports XEmbed protocol.
- Konqueror – It is based on KHTML rendering engine, which is heart of today’s modern web browser.
- Amaya – Amaya is created for testing new standards by W3C as open source. It supports XHTML, MathML, SVG and CSS.
- Flock – Flock web browser is specialized for providing social networking.
- Conkeror – As like Konqueror, Conkeror based on Mozilla layout engine. Its high-customizable, highly-extensible.
- NetSurf – It is lightweight browser supports Unix based OS.
- Netscape Navigation – Its a product of Netscape Communication for Windows operating system.
- Galeon – It is created by Marco Pesenti Gritti for GNOME desktop environment. Galeon is fastest, flexible internet browsing software.
- Camino – Camino already reach to its end which is mostly a Mac OS X browser.
- Avant – Avant developed from rendering engines of Firefox, IE and Chrome. It may be ultra-fast web browser as told by creator but still not tried.
- iCab – Its a internet browser for mac.
- Epic – Epic is fully private browser build on chromium layout engine. Its first browser from India.
- Torch Browser – Its a free web browser based on chromium developed by Torch Media. It also has built-in BitTorrent client for torrent download.
- OmniWeb – OmniWeb internet web browser developed by Omni Group, awarded by Apple Design Award.
- Epiphany – Its for GNOME desktop environment.
- Netscape
- Phoenix
- Links – It is open source software for web browsing. Its both text and graphics browser.
- Voyager – Its for Amiga range of computers.
- AWeb – Its for Amiga range of computers, developed by Yvon Rozijn comes with AmigaOS.
- Cyberdog – Cyberdog has email & new reader, book management and drag & drop FTP.
- PowerBrowser
- Arachne – Its features are browsing, email client and dialer. It developed by Michal Polak.
- Grail – Grail internet browser entirely written on OOPs language Python.
- UdiWWW – It is developed by Bernd Richter in C/C++ as a freeware browser software.
- Minuet
- Agora (Argo) – Its based on email rendering, used for accessing internet as non-graphical terminal.
- IBrowse – It is created for Amiga range of computer based on first Amiga internet browser Amiga Mosaic.
- MacWeb
- SlipKnot – It is created for Windows OS, developed by Peter Brooks of MicroMind Inc.
- IBM WebExplorer – Its developed by IBM.
- AMosaic – AMosaic is first graphical web browser for Amiga, based in Mosaic engine. It is developed by Michael Fischer at Stony Brook University.
- Arena – This browser known as ArenaWWW Browser.
- Lynx – It is text based web browser, cursor addressable.
- Cello – Cello is a graphical web browser developed by Thomas R. Bruce for Windows 3.1.
- Mosaic – It is developed by NCSA.
- MacWWW (Samba) – MacWWW is also known as Samba for Macintosh computers. Its first web browser for mac.
- MidasWWW – MidasWWW developed at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) for Unix and VMS based operating system.
- Erwise – Its for Unix computer and first common GUI web browser.
- ViolaWWW – Its first popular web browser in 1991/1992 for Unix recommended at CERN.
- WorldWideWeb (Nexus) – WorldWideWeb browser later named as Nexus and its first web browser and editor. At that time it is only way to view the Web. It is written by Berners-Lee on his NeXT Computer at CERN.
Many internet browsers are in this list of browsers but few missed which may be popular web browser. If you want to tell us that one browser must be in this list of browsers which we missed then comment below.
ALSO SEE: List of Antivirus for Windows 7, 8 and XP
List of Modern Browsers still in use
All above browser are most top list of internet browsers from starting date to till date. Now this below list covers modern web browsers which are still in use. You use these thing from below list of browsers.
- Lunascape
- Midori
- uzbi
- KidZui
- Voyager
- Dillo Web Browser
- Slim Browser
- KidRocket
- Iron Browser
- GNU IceCat
- Comodo Dragon
- Deepnet Explorer
- Crazy Browser
- Arora
- Shenz Browser
- Swiftweasel
- Enigma Browser
- Kazehakase
- Shiira
- Orca
- xB Browser
- space time
- Browser3D
- Bitty Browser
- rekonq
- Lobo Java
- Elinks Text
- Grail
- Fluid
- Classilla
- TT
- Pink Browser
- Acoo Browser
- Timberwolf
- Pale Moon
- WebPositive
- SlimBoat
- Dooble
- MenuBox
- Ultra Browser
- ZAC Browser
- Kylo
- Swiftfox
- morequick
- TenFourFox
- Wyzo
- QupZilla
- QtWeb
- Stainless
- Xtravo
All these modern browsers in this list of browsers may performing very nice. If you find best internet browser among these above then tell us about placing it in top 50 list of browsers.
List of Browsers Layout Engines
Top popular browser layout engines listed below. Few others are available but not so known in market of web browsers. Out of 9 list of browsers layout engines few are most known layout engine. Because these are used in top web browsers. Gecko, WebKit, Presto are used in best web browsers. Also few layout engines like WebKit from below used in fastest web browsers like Chrome & Safari. All the below layout engines are used by browsers those are in list of browsers.
- Gecko (developed by Mozilla) – It is used in mobile version and email client Thunderbird and also in many open source projects.
- KHTML (developed by KDE project) – It is used in fork of WebKit, built on KPart framework and written in C++.
- Presto (developed by Opera) – It is used in Open until version 15, Presto is a dynamic engine. Using Presto webpage can be rendered completely or partially.
- Tasman (developed by Microsoft) – It is used in IE 5 for Macintosh.
- Trident (developed by Microsoft) – It is uses in IE 4-present for Windows. For Windows 7, 8 significant changes made to Trident to match with web standard & support latest technology.
- WebKit (by Apple) – It is a fork of KHTML. It is used to render webpages in Safari & Chrome (until version 28). WebKit is available under BSD-form license with exception of WebCore & JavaScriptCore components.
- Blink (by Google) – It is a fork of Webkit. Developed as a part of Chromium project with Opera Software, Intel, Samsung like contributors. It is forked from WebCore of WebKit.
- Servo (developed by Mozilla & Samsung) for experimental use.
- Mosaic (developed by NCSA).
Web Browsers built on Trident based:
Trident internet browser engine created by Microsoft for IE but this engine also used for few others top internet browsers. But this was not perfect to develop best web browser.
360 Secure Browser, Bento Browser, GreenBrowser, Internet Explorer, MenuBox, MSN Explorer, Real Player, SlimBrowser, Tencent Traveler, WebbIE
Web Browsers built on Gecko based:
Mozilla Firefox using gecko layout engine for its browser & these are based on mozilla for creating fastest internet browser like firefox.
Conkeror, K-Meleon, MicroB, Mozilla Firefox, Firefox (for mobile), Skyfire (for mobile), Yahoo! Browser
Web Browsers built on Gecko and Trident based:
Both Gecko & Trident layout engine used for giving combination of features to these browsers.
K-Meleon with IE extension, Mozilla Firefox with IE extension
Web Browsers built on WebKit and Trident based:
Both Webkit & Trident layout engine used to create with much & maximum number of features.
Baidu Browser, Maxthon
Web Browsers built on Gecko, Trident and WebKit based:
These are top three internet layout engine, all engines Gecko, Trident, WebKit used for powering with all browser features from these engines.
Avant Browser, Lunascape
Web Browsers built on KHTML based:
KHTML is very old layout engines for internet browser & most famous WebKit, Blink engines created from this engine fork.
Konqueror, Konqueror Embedded
Web Browsers built on Presto based:
Presto is very old as like KHTML but still not in use for fork or others.
Internet Channel (for Wii console), Nintendo DS Browser (Opera based), Opera (upto 12.17 version)
Web Browsers built on WebKit based:
WebKit is most famous internet browser layout engine among all, this is used in most famous web browser like safari, chrome, torch, opera etc. Many browser in list of browsers are mostly developed by WebKit layout engine.
Amazon Kindle. Google Chrome, Opera, Amigo, Torch Browser, Epic, Yandex Browser, Dolphin Browser, iCab, Konqueror, Maxthon, Safari, Web Browsers for S60, webOS
Web Browsers built on Mosaic based:
Mosaic is also an old layout engine which still not in use, we can call that its very first internet browser layout engine.
AMosaic, IBM WebExplorer, Internet Explorer, Internet in a Box, Netscape, Spyglass Mosaic, VMS Mosaic
List of Browsers for Mobile Platform
Mobile platform has great web browsers like Chrome & Safari based on WebKit layout engines. Because of smartphone operating systems like iOS & Android all these browser applications are possible to built for mobile platform. Most popular mobile internet browsers are listed below.
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Opera Mini
- UC Browser
- Android Browser
- Internet Explorer
List of Browsers for Java Platform
Those mobile doesn’t have smartphone os, these are running Java. These have few number of internet browsers, out of these Opera Mini is popular & still in maintenance/development mode. Opera Mini is one of the fastest web browser for Java mobile platform, thats why this one is best internet browser for mobile devices.
ThunderHawk, BOLT Browser, HotJava, Opera Mini
Please give your feedback on our post “List of Browsers for Mac, Windows, Linux Platform”, which may help us to improve this post & next post related to browsers. Thank you for reading & enjoy list of browsers.